- Protesting the FTAA in Quebec City.
- Going to the United Nations in 1999.
- A visit to Peru in 1985-86 when Angie took a year off from teaching and spent seven months with our Sisters who work there. "I wanted to understand what it meant to 'be in solidarity with people who are suffering.' The people there were incredible—cheerful, hopeful, and sharing the little they had—and gave me more than I could ever give them."
- "In 1989, three Sisters and I became residents of the Lower Cove Housing Co-op. It was a continuation of my search for solidarity and proved to be an important experience of community. There were subsidized units alongside those of us who paid full rent, and we all worked together for the common good of the residents and the co-op. I had the privilege of living there until 1995."
Of central importance to Angie was her experience, with Sister Roma, of facilitating the Spring Assemblies 2008 on the theme, "Sacred Gift of Water" in the three regions of the Sisters of Charity congregation: Western, Prairie, and Atlantic. They spoke in Vancouver, Edmonton, and Saint John. Initially, Angie felt she couldn't do it, not being a public speaker by nature; and the work of organizing a full slate of events in three cities seemed overwhelming. It was, however, a great success:
That is what I was thinking: Can I survive this? Roma is a trained journalist and it is in her field, but not in mine—I am a behind-the-scenes person. But I was amazed at how well I did. I received all sorts of affirmation, which pleased me. What really made it a highlight of my life is that I feel I have finally reached the point where I can say, "I have something important to say and I must say it. It doesn't matter what others think of me or what happens, even if I fall on my face."
This was an experience that gave Angie "a sense of my own being that I didn't have," and as she reflected on what this "sense" has meant to her, she said it was about not being afraid any longer and knowing she could rely on an inner strength to offer what she has to offer.