Creating Change: Lessons, Skills, and Advice


Lessons learned

  • Never act impulsively without first thinking it over.
  • Do not approach your actions with the negative feeling that you won't succeed, but be positive from the start. Believe in yourself and your cause.
  • Do not antagonize people. Present your views and point out the positive side of change.
  • Be persistent, determined, and confident that you are right.
  • Always show your appreciation.
  • Blow your horn when successful and use your good name to initiate other actions. Don't sit on your laurels.

Key skills

  • Maintain a clear head and a willingness to work as a volunteer by sacrificing time and energy.
  • Build and sustain a good reputation in the community.
  • Remember that you are working for a cause and not for the glory.
  • Try to get along with others — friends or foes.
  • Do not worry about criticism, but learn from constructive criticism.
  • Try to convince others that what you want is of importance.


I'm a good organizer but some things require time and patience.
  • Analyze a situation carefully. Ask this set of questions: How am I going to approach this problem? What do I need to know before I act? Are there friends, individuals, or organizations that can help? If I am successful, what next?
  • Never think that somebody else will do it, but rather think, "I can do it" — and then get to work!
  • Young people like to have fun; they want the company of other young people, and they need lots of praise for their work. Provide all three and you'll have willing, happy helpers.
  • Women in social issues have a better understanding about other people's needs. They don't act only with their heads but also with their hearts. On the other hand, women often waste too much time talking, holding meetings, and "sitting around the kitchen table," instead of going into action.
  • While working with others, avoid prima donnas and self-centered people. "We are all equal in working for a common cause" should be the motto for any occasion.
  • Young people who are working for change in society should keep in mind that they are working for their own future.
  • Every day is precious. Live life to the fullest.
I was, in all my activities, whether they were conservation or heritage, somehow prompted simply by accidents happening around me that I felt compelled me to act.