Last Words

I would like to see a place where women could go for rest and rehabilitation without a strict time limit and where there would be little likelihood of drugs being smuggled in. They would be surrounded by loving, caring professionals who understand addiction and who believe that addicts can get well. If the mothers need to bring their children, there will be a place for them, or children can come to visit their mothers in a home-like environment. The present system costs taxpayers millions of dollars, without beneficial results.

My regret is that in Elizabeth Fry Saint John we have not been able to sway the thinking of government leaders to see the common sense of putting greater effort into preventing criminal activity by providing more help to families; by making addiction treatment more accessible and available; by engaging psychologists, social workers, and addiction counselors to work in the prison setting. As it is, people who leave prison are often in worse condition than when they entered, leading to the high rate of recidivism.

Without spiritual help, living with alcoholism is too much for most of us—we become irritable and unreasonable without knowing it, obsessed with fear, anger, and resentment. When we reach out for help, begin to Live One Day at a Time, and learn to Let Go and Let God, we are on the way to gaining serenity and being restored to sanity. I am still on that learning path.